Our Vision and Values
Curiosity is the helicopter that takes our thoughts higher and higher. The view beneath us gets bigger and bigger with every question that we ask. Like the propellers, as our curiosity builds, new avenues open up for us to explore. At Clifford Bridge, we push boundaries; we believe that if you never try, you’ll never know.
At Clifford Bridge, our decisions and behaviours start with integrity. This allows us to be brave enough to stand up for what we believe in and challenge ideas that fall outside of our own moral compass. Much like a house, all the windows at Clifford Bridge, big or small, are transparent and strong. Like a window to a bright future, our integrity drives everything that we do.
Joy is at the heart of everything we do at Clifford Bridge. Like a warm fire in a cold room, joy is a focal point that radiates warmth and draws people near. Each flicker of pride that we feel for our own achievements and those of others, enables the fire to grow and burn brighter. We aspire to ignite joy in every pupil at Clifford Bridge; through exciting learning experiences, opportunities to excel and lots of fun.
Kindness is the base on which Clifford Bridge is built; it is the cement that binds our school’s foundations and makes it solid as a rock. It is respect, care and above all, love. Every day we sprinkle kindness wherever we go.
When your seed is planted in our pot we promise to give you everything that you need to grow. We don’t know what you will grow into yet but we will notice and encourage your uniqueness. Our broad and balanced curriculum will provide the water that will quench your thirst for learning, our staff will provide the nutrients that you need to thrive and our warmth and care will turn your face towards the sunshine. We promise to nurture your passions and celebrate your growth, in your own space and time.
We want to give everyone the best gift of all. We want to teach you to love challenges, be intrigued by mistakes, enjoy effort and keep on learning. That way you will have a lifelong way to build and repair your own confidence.
Our values are explored through high quality texts |

What happens when we spot children showing our school values?
Surprise values postcards are sent to the child’s home address with a special message from their teacher. These are very special and children are invited to stand at the front of merit assembly to proudly show their postcard.
In Early Years and Key Stage 1, children are awarded a sticker to show the value they have displayed.
We have 6 different wristbands, one for each of our values. Children in Key Stage 2 are awarded a wristband when they are spotted displaying curiosity, integrity, joy, kindness, nurture or resilience.

There are value displays in all classrooms

Clifford Bridge School Values
By Selma
Remember you are invincible
Everyone is different
Succeeding in life is one way
Imagining your dreams is another
Living life as it is
Involving yourself in new things
Everyone is special, just the way they are
Not everyone can be 1st, 2nd or 3rd
Care about you and everybody else
Enjoy every single day
It can be hard doing the right thing
Never lie
Take time to think about your actions
Enjoy your everyday life
Get ready to do something nice
Reflect on your choices
Inside is someone who is honest
Thanks everyone who helps you
You should always be honest
Kindness is contagious
It helps you to become and better person
Never act mean
Do as you are asked
Nice is another word for kind
Everyday try to make someone’s day
Say something to make them feel special
Send a smile
Just put a smile on someone’s face
Our world is a joyful place
You can fill someone’s day with joy
Never let anyone stand in your way
Use your strength to help someone
Remember to use kind words
The answer is nurture
Understand everyone needs nurture in life
Rely on those that help you through life
Engage in caring for the world
Can you be curious?
Use your words to be curious
Ready to asked someone a curious question
Indicating if your questions will be answered
Often ask people anything you want
Say something curious
Imagine all your questions being answered
Time is all yours when you put your brain to it
You are always curious