Remote Learning at Inspire

Clifford Bridge Academy > Our Curriculum > Remote Learning at Inspire

Remote education information for parents and carers

In the following circumstances we will endeavour to provide home learning for your child:

  • Adverse weather conditions that mean school cannot open safely
  • Where they are unable to attend physically but are well enough to learn eg a pupil has an infectious illness and is self-isolating

How much time will my child work for?

  • Pupils in Reception will receive 2 hours of remote learning per day
  • Pupils in Key Stage One will receive 3 hours of remote learning per day
  • Pupils in Key Stage Two will receive approximately 4 hours of remote learning per day

What might Remote learning look like at Inspire?

Depending on the circumstances, remote learning may look different. Children may be asked to access or work on:

  • Live online lessons with the teacher on Microsoft Teams.
  • Recorded lessons
  • A pack of printed resources
  • Websites to support the teaching of specific subjects
  • Reading of appropriately banded book
  • Project Work linked to their theme learning

The platforms we will use will be:

  • Microsoft TEAMs
  • Classdojo

Please note:

We understand that not all families will have access to devices or have suitable online access. Where this is the case we will aim to provide a device and enable internet connection or paper copies of any learning resources. If your child does not have the necessary technology, please contact the school so that we can prepare.  


An important part of teaching is to provide high-quality feedback. When teaching remotely we will continue to provide learners with constructive feedback using the following methods:

  • Whole-class feedback or quizzes marked together
  • Asking pupils to submit their work for marking either by uploading electronically or by submitting a paper copy

Pupils with additional needs

At Inspire, we recognise that some children with additional needs may not be able to access remote learning without the support of an adult and we realise the challenges that families may face. In order to support you, we will contact you personally with advice about what you might do at home with your child.

  • Our SENDCo may get in touch to support pupils with SEND
  • Our Pastoral Team may be in touch to make regular check ins
  • The class teacher may phone to speak to you to offer help

Please contact the school if you are struggling in with accessing remote learning.

Organising remote learning at home

Here are some important things to remember when you are setting up the learning environment for your child:

  • When on a video call, sit in a suitable area, e.g. a living room with a neutral background.
  • When on a video call, wear suitable clothing and ensure your conduct is respectful.
  • Understand that staff may not always be able to help, but they will try their best.
  • Remember to act in the same manner as if the school were open.

How can you support your child at home?

Top Tips

  • Keep to a routine as much as possible so your child knows what to expect
  • Create a timetable for the session with them
  • Keep active – ensure your child is getting enough exercise and breaks from learning
  • Stay sociable – organise with other parents to arrange video calls with your child’s friends so they can stay connected during social hours

For younger children, you can:

  • Incorporate learning in make-believe play
  • Play educational games with numbers or letters and read together
  • Involve them in things you are doing and engage in lots of talk

Important Information

  • Please contact the school if your child is unable to attend school but physically fit to access remote learning
  • The school will notify parents of a whole school or partial closure and you will be given next steps in relation to accessing remote learning
  • Any safeguarding concerns regarding your child should be directed to the Designated Safeguarding Lead in school
  • Your child will not be penalised for non-attendance during this time

If you have any questions about our remote learning offer, please come and talk to us. Our aim is to provide the best learning for your children whatever the circumstances.

Additional resources

The following resources may also be of support to you and your child: